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Create my Profile

Physical and online classes Chicago

100% free to become a tutor.

Give private tuition at home and online in complete freedom! No commission, find motivated students and set your own rates (tutor online & at home, offer evening classes, distance learning or live training).

Become a tutor and share your knowledge!

Physical and online classes Chicago

Find out how much you can earn

To calculate your potential monthly earnings, fill in the subject you would like to teach.

0 $ Calculated for 20 hours of lessons per week

(Your potential monthly earnings)

Start creating my ad
100% free to become a tutor.

Give private tuition at home and online in complete freedom! No commission, find motivated students and set your own rates (tutor online & at home, offer evening classes, distance learning or live training).

Become a tutor and share your knowledge!

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Howcan I become a


Create your teaching ad for free

At Superprof, it is free to create your teaching ad and to start sharing your passion!


Set your teaching conditions

You have complete control over your schedule, fees and teaching methodology. You are free to organise your classes as you see fit!


Share your passion!

Once your teaching ad is published, students will contact you. If you have any questions, we are here to help you!

We are here to help!

When we choose to hold lessons at our house or go to a student's home, trust is essential. That is why we are dedicated to protecting our tutors and give them the freedom to control the organisation of their lessons. If you need any help, we are here for you! Our dedicated Customer Service team is here to respond to all your questions and to guide you through the process in record time and in 9 different languages.

Your personal information is protected
Profiles from serious and motivated students
Personalised member support
Our community of teachers who share their experience

Be your own Boss

Set your rates

It's up to you to set your rates. The rate that is shown in your ad is the rate that you have chosen, and what you will receive. We don't take any commission!

Offer lessons in a number of different subjects

Publishing your ad is completely free and you can post as many ads as in as many subjects as you are willing to teach. Be sure to check out our list of subjects, to make sure you don't miss out on potential students.

Offer online tutoring around the world

Over 35,000 students use our platform in over 38 countries around the world. With Superprof, you can connect with students online from all corners of the globe.

Superprof is:

20 millions


15 millions


