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Our selection of personal Junior synthesizer tutors

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5.0 /5

Amazing tutors with an average rating of 5.0 stars and more than 77 reviews.

38 $/h

The best price: 98% of our tutors offer their first lesson free. and one-hour costs on average 38

4 h

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Our former students
review their synthesizer tutors


Synthesizer tutor

Joseph was very engaged and great for the younger student. He was open to feedback and conducted the lesson in a fun and interesting way. He was keen to know what the student wanted from lessons and how this might be incorporated into the overall...


Synthesizer tutor

Joseph is a very unique teacher. At the beginning of the class, I honestly thought that I had to go through the frustrating process of learning in the traditional way. But then thought why not give it a try? So I continued my lesson with him, and...

Nour, 3 days ago


Synthesizer tutor

Johnny is an amazing and creative teacher. Could be the Chopin of our age. It was my first class with him but I got to understand his technique bc Ive been playing music for long time. In my opinion, he is trying to disrupt the music industry...

Nour, 3 days ago


Synthesizer tutor

johnny is verry nice teacher he learn my verry fast thank you johnny

Gavrill savvas, 3 days ago


Synthesizer tutor

Perfect teaching method. We started by learning the basics, then slowly starting to take harder tasks, like finding the chords of a song, then, started to dive in how to find the melody (by ear of course). It didn't take us long until I started...

Celine, 3 days ago


Synthesizer tutor

Johnny is a very patient and fun teacher! He doesn't just teach, he prepares me for the road ahead and future. He is making a huge impact and I wouldn't be where I am without his help. I will always use the skills that you have taught me. I really...

Celine, 3 days ago

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